More than a week ago, theaters sold out every single ticket they had to one single movie. A movie that was to be presented at the very first minute of May 19th.
On May 18th at 22:00 the parking lots were running backwards. Instead of people checking out, people were checking in.
People around the globe gathered together to celebrate and finally see the last piece of a story that began in 1977 at the fourth episode.
Customs, toys, collectibles, t-shirts and even lightsabers were among the celebration. It was easy to see Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, a Storm trooper and even Luke Skywalker with Yoda on his back in line, celebrating the moment.
The light side of the Force was strong with the ones in line. Photographs, laughs and Star Wars talk were the common scene along the line.
In the last minutes of May 18th, the line started to move towards the theater. The expectation increased. The time was coming...
Few minutes passed and we found ourselves seated and waiting for the lights to fade dark.
Two commercials and it happened. Lights turned off, the 20th Century Fox fanfare was heard and the Lucas Film logo disappeared just as fast. The screen went black and not a single sound was heard in the theater when the blue words made it finally to the big screen: "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" showed and made it official: the long wait had ended. The movie was playing.
More than two hours later, the movie ended with what everyone knew in advance, bringing to an end the saga that begun more than 20 years ago, when no one knew why the first movie was the fourth.
We may never see another Star Wars movie on the big screen, nevertheless, the Force will remain with us as long as we live for the good of us all.